Thank you for helping to sustain Denver Film, or your favorite Denver Film program, through charitable giving. Your support helps us continue to enrich Denver’s cultural arts landscape with a Mile High home for film lovers!
Please find our newly-expanded individual giving offerings below. We currently offer general-operating and program-specific support opportunities. General operating donations directly contribute to our costs of doing business, from programmer and back office salaries to movie theater popcorn, and touch every single program and service we offer. Program-specific donations directly contribute to the facets that make your favorite festival feel like a festival, such as printed programs, film screening fees, filmmaker hospitality, and special events. Have any questions, or care to customize your support package? Please email Amy Weiner Weiss, Development Director, at
Festival support with program-specific benefits. Enjoy elevated access and recognition alongside a community of like-minded film lovers! Additional benefits include recognition in festival pre-show video and other digital festival materials and access to special events by invitation. (Available for mini-festivals. Ticket benefit values are presented as estimates and are subject to change. Tickets must be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
$250, Deductible value: $185.
Benefit value: $65. Includes CinemaQ Festival Pass and (2) tickets to any regular/matinee CinemaQ screening at the Denver Film Festival.
$500, Deductible value: $300.
Benefit value: $200. Includes Women+Film Festival Pass and (3) tickets to any regular/matinee Women+Film screening at the Denver Film Festival. Also includes select networking opportunities and deepest discounts for all Women+Film special events.
Robust support for your favorite festival. This opportunity allows you to put your name behind a film, issue, or community that resonates with you! Additional benefits include name recognition in festival pre-show video and other digital festival materials, name recognition in promotional materials related to supported screening, verbal recognition before supported screening, badgeholder access where offered, and access to special events by invitation. For corporate/organizational support, please click here. (Film choices are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. Ticket benefit values are presented as estimates and are subject to change. Tickets must be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
$500, Deductible value: $350.
Benefit value: $150. Includes 12 tickets to the supported screening.
$1,000, Deductible value: $850.
Benefit value: $150. Includes 12 tickets to supported screening.
$1,500, Deductible value: $1,300.
Benefit value: $200. Includes 12 tickets to supported screening.
Deeper access to and recognition at our flagship program, your Denver Film Festival. Additional benefits include recognition in DFF pre-show video and select digital and print materials, sponsor badge with additional access to festival lounges and parties, and access to special events by invitation. For corporate/organizational support, please click here. (Ticket benefit values are presented as estimates and are subject to change. Tickets must be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
$2,500, Deductible value: $2,075.
Includes full $425 benefit value in tickets to any film featured within a selected Programmatic Spotlight at the Denver Film Festival. Programmatic spotlights include: Italian Showcase, Spotlight on U.K./Ireland, Women+Film, CineLatinx, CinemaQ, Spotlight on Colorado, SeriesFest, Late Night Showcase, American Independent Showcase, Contemporary World Cinema, Colorado Dragon Boat, Spotlight on Social Justice, and VR/Immersive
Allow your gift to support the widest breadth of Denver Film programs by joining our Leadership Circle. Donors making these general-operating contributions enjoy a variety of benefits, from year-round theatrical tickets to Denver Film Festival tickets and pass holder access opportunities, where offered. Also includes access to special events by invitation, recognition in Annual Report, and access to member discounts for tickets above and beyond the included benefits. (Ticket benefit values are presented as estimates and are subject to change. All tickets, including redemption of *flexible ticket credits, must be reserved and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.)
$1,000, Deductible value: $825.
Benefit value: $175.
Includes 6 DFF regular or matinee tickets and 20 tickets for year-round theatrical screenings at the Sie FilmCenter.
$2,500, Deductible value: $2,075. Benefit value: $425.
Includes 2 DFF special presentation tickets, 8 DFF regular or matinee tickets, 4 regular mini-festival tickets, and 45 tickets for year-round theatrical screenings at the Sie FilmCenter.
$5,000, Deductible value: $4,000. Benefit value: $1,000.
Includes 4 DFF red carpet tickets, 4 DFF special events tickets, 20 DFF regular or matinee tickets, 2 DFF awards brunch tickets, 8 regular mini-fest tickets, and 50 tickets for year-round theatrical screenings at the Sie FilmCenter. Donors at this level may choose to customize their ticket designations within the prescribed benefit value and will receive concierge ticket reservation benefits.
$7,500, Deductible value: $5,750
Benefit value: $1,750.
Includes 4 DFF red carpet tickets, 8 DFF special events tickets, 40 DFF regular or matinee tickets, 2 DFF awards brunch tickets, 10 regular mini-fest tickets, 75 tickets for year-round theatrical screenings at the Sie FilmCenter, and $250 in flexible ticket credits*. Donors at this level may also choose to customize their ticket designations within the prescribed benefit value, and will receive concierge ticket reservation benefits.
$10,000, Deductible value: $7,500. Benefit value: $2,500.
Includes 6 DFF red carpet tickets, 12 DFF special events tickets, 50 DFF regular or matinee tickets, 2 DFF awards brunch tickets, 12 regular mini-fest tickets, 100 tickets for year-round theatrical screenings at the Sie FilmCenter, and $500 in flexible ticket credits*. Alternatively, donors at this level may also choose to customize their ticket designations within the prescribed benefit value, and will receive concierge ticket reservation benefits.
$20,000, Deductible value: $14,000 Benefit value: $6,000.
We will work closely with you to completely customize your ticket benefits across all Denver Film programs! Includes the opportunity to be the Presenting Sponsor of a program (as available). Donors at this level will receive concierge ticket reservation benefits.
Consider supporting Denver Film with a fully-deductible, unrestricted donation of any size. You may also select any of the above offerings to support through your DAF/IRA and waive ticket benefits, while receiving commensurate recognition and access benefits therein. Denver Film’s EIN is 84-0771070 and checks may be mailed to: Denver Film, Sie FilmCenter, Attn: Amy Weiner Weiss, 2510 East Colfax Ave, Denver, CO 80206.
Gifts may be made by check, stock transfer, ACH/wire transfer, and credit card payments (in single or monthly installments).
Designating a legacy gift to Denver Film in your will allows your favorite nonprofit to continue to serve future generations.
Would you like for your gift to honor the memory or living legacy of a special cinephile in your life? You may designate your gift for memorial or honorary recognition, to be featured on materials such as Denver Film’s Annual Report, website, and sponsorship tiles (if applicable).